
查閱聖經經節 : (例如:詩篇22:16-20、撒上 11:1-12:5、Genesis 1:1、PS 119:1~10 …等等)
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詩篇(The Psalms)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150


誦讀 詩篇 第108-114章 (感謝好牧人網站提供和合本聖經誦讀)
108:1 [NASB] My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul.
108:2 [NASB] Awake, harp and lyre; I will awaken the dawn!
108:3 [NASB] I will give thanks to You, O LORD, among the peoples, And I will sing praises to You among the nations.
108:4 [NASB] For Your lovingkindness is great above the heavens, And Your truth {reaches} to the skies.
108:5 [NASB] Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth.
108:6 [NASB] That Your beloved may be delivered, Save with Your right hand, and answer me!
108:7 [NASB] God has spoken in His holiness: "I will exult, I will portion out Shechem And measure out the valley of Succoth.
108:8 [NASB] "Gilead is Mine, Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the helmet of My head; Judah is My scepter.
108:9 [NASB] "Moab is My washbowl; Over Edom I shall throw My shoe; Over Philistia I will shout aloud."
108:10 [NASB] Who will bring me into the besieged city? Who will lead me to Edom?
108:11 [NASB] Have not You Yourself, O God, rejected us? And will You not go forth with our armies, O God?
108:12 [NASB] Oh give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain.
108:13 [NASB] Through God we will do valiantly, And it is He who shall tread down our adversaries.
109:1 [NASB] O God of my praise, Do not be silent!
109:2 [NASB] For they have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
109:3 [NASB] They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause.
109:4 [NASB] In return for my love they act as my accusers; But I am {in} prayer.
109:5 [NASB] Thus they have repaid me evil for good And hatred for my love.
109:6 [NASB] Appoint a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand.
109:7 [NASB] When he is judged, let him come forth guilty, And let his prayer become sin.
109:8 [NASB] Let his days be few; Let another take his office.
109:9 [NASB] Let his children be fatherless And his wife a widow.
109:10 [NASB] Let his children wander about and beg; And let them seek {sustenance} far from their ruined homes.
109:11 [NASB] Let the creditor seize all that he has, And let strangers plunder the product of his labor.
109:12 [NASB] Let there be none to extend lovingkindness to him, Nor any to be gracious to his fatherless children.
109:13 [NASB] Let his posterity be cut off; In a following generation let their name be blotted out.
109:14 [NASB] Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, And do not let the sin of his mother be blotted out.
109:15 [NASB] Let them be before the LORD continually, That He may cut off their memory from the earth;
109:16 [NASB] Because he did not remember to show lovingkindness, But persecuted the afflicted and needy man, And the despondent in heart, to put {them} to death.
109:17 [NASB] He also loved cursing, so it came to him; And he did not delight in blessing, so it was far from him.
109:18 [NASB] But he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, And it entered into his body like water And like oil into his bones.
109:19 [NASB] Let it be to him as a garment with which he covers himself, And for a belt with which he constantly girds himself.
109:20 [NASB] Let this be the reward of my accusers from the LORD, And of those who speak evil against my soul.
109:21 [NASB] But You, O GOD, the Lord, deal {kindly} with me for Your name's sake; Because Your lovingkindness is good, deliver me;
109:22 [NASB] For I am afflicted and needy, And my heart is wounded within me.
109:23 [NASB] I am passing like a shadow when it lengthens; I am shaken off like the locust.
109:24 [NASB] My knees are weak from fasting, And my flesh has grown lean, without fatness.
109:25 [NASB] I also have become a reproach to them; When they see me, they wag their head.
109:26 [NASB] Help me, O LORD my God; Save me according to Your lovingkindness.
109:27 [NASB] And let them know that this is Your hand; You, LORD, have done it.
109:28 [NASB] Let them curse, but You bless; When they arise, they shall be ashamed, But Your servant shall be glad.
109:29 [NASB] Let my accusers be clothed with dishonor, And let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe.
109:30 [NASB] With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of many I will praise Him.
109:31 [NASB] For He stands at the right hand of the needy, To save him from those who judge his soul.
110:1 [NASB] The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."
110:2 [NASB] The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, {saying,} "Rule in the midst of Your enemies."
110:3 [NASB] Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You {as} the dew.
110:4 [NASB] The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek."
110:5 [NASB] The Lord is at Your right hand; He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.
110:6 [NASB] He will judge among the nations, He will fill {them} with corpses, He will shatter the chief men over a broad country.
110:7 [NASB] He will drink from the brook by the wayside; Therefore He will lift up {His} head.
111:1 [NASB] Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with all {my} heart, In the company of the upright and in the assembly.
111:2 [NASB] Great are the works of the LORD; {They are} studied by all who delight in them.
111:3 [NASB] Splendid and majestic is His work, And His righteousness endures forever.
111:4 [NASB] He has made His wonders to be remembered; The LORD is gracious and compassionate.
111:5 [NASB] He has given food to those who fear Him; He will remember His covenant forever.
111:6 [NASB] He has made known to His people the power of His works, In giving them the heritage of the nations.
111:7 [NASB] The works of His hands are truth and justice; All His precepts are sure.
111:8 [NASB] They are upheld forever and ever; They are performed in truth and uprightness.
111:9 [NASB] He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name.
111:10 [NASB] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do {His commandments;} His praise endures forever.
敬畏 神者永蒙福祉
112:1 [NASB] Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who greatly delights in His commandments.
112:2 [NASB] His descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed.
112:3 [NASB] Wealth and riches are in his house, And his righteousness endures forever.
112:4 [NASB] Light arises in the darkness for the upright; {He is} gracious and compassionate and righteous.
112:5 [NASB] It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment.
112:6 [NASB] For he will never be shaken; The righteous will be remembered forever.
112:7 [NASB] He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
112:8 [NASB] His heart is upheld, he will not fear, Until he looks {with satisfaction} on his adversaries.
112:9 [NASB] He has given freely to the poor, His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted in honor.
112:10 [NASB] The wicked will see it and be vexed, He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked will perish.
讚美 神的榮耀高過諸天
113:1 [NASB] Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, Praise the name of the LORD.
113:2 [NASB] Blessed be the name of the LORD From this time forth and forever.
113:3 [NASB] From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the LORD is to be praised.
113:4 [NASB] The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.
113:5 [NASB] Who is like the LORD our God, Who is enthroned on high,
113:6 [NASB] Who humbles Himself to behold {The things that are} in heaven and in the earth?
113:7 [NASB] He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the needy from the ash heap,
113:8 [NASB] To make {them} sit with princes, With the princes of His people.
113:9 [NASB] He makes the barren woman abide in the house {As} a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!
114:1 [NASB] When Israel went forth from Egypt, The house of Jacob from a people of strange language,
114:2 [NASB] Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion.
114:3 [NASB] The sea looked and fled; The Jordan turned back.
114:4 [NASB] The mountains skipped like rams, The hills, like lambs.
114:5 [NASB] What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn back?
114:6 [NASB] O mountains, that you skip like rams? O hills, like lambs?
114:7 [NASB] Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, Before the God of Jacob,
114:8 [NASB] Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of water.

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved
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