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10月14日 每日經歷神


標 題:勝利與失敗

經 節:仇敵起來攻擊你,耶和華必使他們在你面前被你殺敗;他們從一條路來攻擊你,必從七條路逃跑。……耶和華必使你敗在仇敵面前,你從一條路去攻擊他們,必從七條路逃跑。你必在天下萬國中拋來拋去。(申命記廿八章725節)




Victory Versus Defeat

The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways….The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them. (Deuteronomy 28:7, 25)

As the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land, God set before them a choice: Heed His voice, obey His commandments, and experience continued victory. Or turn from God, disobey His word, and experience repeated and resounding defeat. It was a simple choice. The choice they made would be evident by the results on the battlefield.

The assurance of victory did not mean that the Israelites would not have to strap on their armor and go to battle. It did not assure them of effortless victory. At times their enemies fought fiercely, and the battles raged back and forth. Nevertheless, as the Israelites walked closely with God, they knew that their efforts would always result in victory.

God gives us the same choice He gave the Israelites. If we walk with Him, obedient to His word, He will stand with us and ensure victory over our challenges. We must face the battle, but God promises us victory if we remain in His will. However, if we choose to disassociate from God, we surely will be overtaken by difficulties. As with the Israelites, our decision will be evident by the outcome. If you are continually being defeated by everything you face, your heart has departed from God. If you have been experiencing defeat in the challenges you face, examine your heart. When you are buffeted by the crises of life, your heart may have shifted away from God. Choose to listen to God. Then obey what He tells you, no matter what you face, and you will experience victory.

10月13日 每日經歷神
10月12日 每日經歷神