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New Weed Whackers For Vineyards

Warren Chu

At a vineyard in California they have a new crew of weed whackers. They don’t need any work benefits either. This amazing group is: sheep. Sheep aren’t tall enough to reach the grapes, so they munch on weeds. They eat the weeds almost instantly and provide fine natural fertilizer.

This is a breakthrough. This means that Steve Pepe, the owner of a vineyard, will be able to avoid farm chemicals, slash weeding bills and improve his soil for no extra charge. One owner has created a thriving business off of Babydoll sheep. She lends them out or sells them. Deborah Walton who provides Babydoll sheep to vineyard owners is earning lots of money from this particular business.

This is a great way for vineyard owners to save money and have better grapes. All from sheep.

教會發展大趨勢(6) -- 教會市場推廣方法
《2006年9月30日—10月6日網上崇拜》 (1)
網上主日學: 哥林多前書3:1-11 (1)