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Graffiti Michelangelo

Warren Chu

Graffiti artist Paco Rosic is completing a childhood dream. Since chilhood he had dreamed of replicating the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Graffiti style.

Paco and his family have spent their life saving s attempting to allow Paco to create another masterpiece. Using only spray paint, Paco is recreating one of the world’s most famous work. His family spent $67,000 to buy a two-story building that once housed an antiques store. The ceiling wasn’t curved like in the Sistine Chapel, so the family hired workers to tear it down and rebuild it. After 4 months, Paco is almost completed. When Paco declared his idea many people including his family thought he was crazy. But, when he finally convinced them, they loved his work. Many people who visit enjoy the way he has depicted the ceiling. He gets at least 5 calls from strangers everyday to answer questions.

You can see Paco’s work at:

《2006年9月30日—10月6日網上崇拜》 (1)
《2006年9月30日—10月6日網上崇拜》 (2)
網上主日學: 哥林多前書3:1-11 (1)