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9月14日 竭誠為主

914 爭辯與順服



必須順服神,就清楚了。屬乎理性的事,你可以賴思想得著出路,但屬靈的事,只會愈想愈一團糟。若在什麼事上神的手加壓力,就要順服,把幻想拘禁在你對基督的順服裡;這樣,一切就會明亮如白晝。理智是在後面才用的,但憑自己的聰明去看事物,就一無所見。 (太十一25)



September 14 Imagination V. Inspiration

The simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3

Simplicity is the secret of seeing things clearly. A saint does not think clearly for a long while, but a saint ought to see clearly without any difficulty. You cannot think a spiritual muddle clear, you have to obey it clear. In intellectual matters you can think things out, but in spiritual matters you will think yourself into cotton wool. If there is something upon which God has put His pressure, obey in that matter, bring your imagination into captivity to the obedience of Christ with regard to it and everything will become as clear as daylight. The reasoning capacity comes afterwards, but we never see along that line, we see like children; when we try to be wise we see nothing (Matthew 11:25).

The tiniest thing we allow in our lives that is not under the control of the Holy Spirit is quite sufficient to account for spiritual muddle, and all the thinking we like to spend on it will never make it clear. Spiritual muddle is only made plain by obedience. Immediately we obey, we discern. This is humiliating, because when we are muddled we know the reason is in the temper of our mind. When the natural power of vision is devoted to the Holy Spirit, it becomes the power of perceiving God's will and the whole life is kept in simplicity.

9月13日 竭誠為主
9月12日 竭誠為主