Saint Candles

Warren Chu

Richard Alceda has created a booming enterprise. He makes what are commonly referred to as noeva candles. They are candles carrying pictures of saints.

His company, The Bright Glow Candle Co., is doing extremely well. Many people want to but these candles and are finding them everywhere. It started out with small businesses buying shipments. But eventually, larger companies such as, Vons and Ralphs started to buy them too. He used to only make small quantities of candles, but now he and his employees must work hard to fill all the orders.

Alceda’s company is doing good and has many customers.

A Big Win for a Small Town Farmer
甜蜜的神話-- 新聞焦點
身心靈醫治的四十天禱告 (37) : 承受應許之地