
瀟碧 譯

瀟碧 譯






這 種健忘的情況並不單單在學校才發生。在家裡,連做一些最起碼份內該做的事,我都做不到。假如有任何老師看到,一定會給我打不及格的。我的意思是,假如你 要我把垃圾桶拿出去,突然,我發現我正拿著垃圾桶站在浴室,完全想不起來我正在做什麼。還有,我應該是洗洗手準備吃飯的,我卻開始刷起牙來。










Do I, or do I not have ADD?

A question I always had was DO I HAVE ADD?

Before my third grade teacher, none of my teachers suspected me of an ADD child. But as I said, my third grade teacher, from the very start, noticed the signs of ADD.

The first thing she noticed about me was messiness. I have to admit, I couldn't find a single thing in my desk! Those items that survived were all rumpled and torn from my habit of stuffing my stuff in a hurry. When I had homework, I always returned it with food splattered all over it. But that was on the luckier side. Some times, it was plain missing.

Then she also said I was absent minded.

But that was not the only remark about my extreme forgetfulness. My swimming instructor said I could never hear her words of advice. And when I seem to be staring intently on my fifth grade teacher, nobody could suspect that I was thinking about how I was going to play a practical trick on my fellow peers.

But forgetfulness didn’t just occur at school. At home, when I do the basic tasks, or chores, I flunk. If any teacher was watching, they would’ve given me a F. I mean, what would you do if you told me to take out the garbage and suddenly, I find myself with the trash bag, standing in the bathroom, completely clueless to what I’m doing. Also, When I am supposed to wash my hands for dinner, I start brushing my teeth.

And the third sign: My incapability of finishing a task. I cannot put away a game after I am done playing with it. (That also causes a huge mess, but that’s another case) I cannot finish a book without skipping a page. I cannot finish a quiz without missing a question.

But I CAN do work faster and more efficient than other students. My third grade teacher thinks that is yet another sign.

Do I, or do I not have ADD?

(5/1/2005 by Jack)

Dear Friend,

HI, my name is Joshua, and I’m an ADHD kid (hyper-active & short-attention span). I read your e-mail and I’m going to help you answer your question. First of all ADD is mostly just short-attention span as you read in the beginning. It shows impatience, a lot of day dreaming, and lack of organization.

OK, when your messiness is at hand it usually means you don’t organize very well, or not very patient of cleaning up (no offense). Next, your forgetfulness sometimes means you’re not paying attention, or you are but that doesn’t last very long. At home, concentrate on your first task; remember when you start something finish it before you start anything else. As having a trick every now and then maybe means your creative mind is being used the wrong way. ADD and ADHD kids if taught properly can send the world into progress. Thomas Edison had ADHD and also Albert Einstein. Look what they did!!!

For my answer, you do have ADD, but in some places you’re making good effort, for the others; keep up the good work. Who knows, maybe we can change the world.

(5/1/2005 by Josh)

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