Agape Center – from a Caring Platform in Church to Artificial Reefs in Outreach

In the past seven years, the Agape Caring Center

 has been providing trainings for caring and

opportunities for serving, such as the two-year

 program of “Barnabas Caring Seminar”,

“Journey to Intimacy”, “Caring for Cancer Victims”,

 and Sunday Caring Stations. 

Thanks be to God, many brothers and sisters have

 been equipped through these trainings or found

 the caring platforms where they can serve.


During the second half of 2012, upon the

recommendation of the Senior Pastor,

Agape Center coworkers began to ponder

 on how to gradually turn the caring ministry from

 “orientated within the church” to

“ directed toward outreach”.

 After much prayer, we have confirmed the

 following ministries:

(1)   Community Praise Exercise:

Through sharing of the Praise Exercise,

besides maintaining our health with

physical exercises, we are also improving

our relationship through interaction with

others and increasing the quality of life.

Thanks be to God, we have more than

30 students participating in the weekly

Tuesday and Thursday exercises.


(2)   Free of charge community classes:

Based on material developed by

Dr Wei-Jen Huang,  “Journey to Intimacy”

aims to facilitate healthy and harmonious

family relationship. 

“How to develop Children’s Potentials”

teaches us how to be parents that follow

God’s hearts.  We have more than 20 students

participating in the weekly Tuesday and

Thursday classes.


(3)   Senior Apartments and Convalescence Homes: 

Thanks be to God, He has opened another

door for ministry.  Besides 20 some odd

volunteers periodically serving approximately

100 seniors at two convalescence homes twice

 a month, we will start outreach ministry in a

senior apartment in El Monte starting in September.

Besides the current monthly seminar, we will host

the mid-autumn festival on September 29, with

close to 100 attendances, including 50 seniors.


In the coming 2013, not only will we continue to

provide to our communities, families, crisis caring,

and the above ministries, we will also pay close

attentions to the needs of our communities and

promote suitable outreach ministries, such as,

parent and children relationship, how to deal with

addictions, hospice caring, Celebrate Recovery,

“Good Neighbors” support groups, etc. 

We hope the various outreach ministries can become

artificial reefs to the “fishing ponds” of our church.

We also hope these reefs attract more fish so to win

more to Christ.