Dare to challenge this in Yunnan?

Challenge1: Ziplines across Nujiang River: 

Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is located in northwest Yunnan. With the Nujiang River running through from north to south, hence the prefecture was named. 
In the past, due to precipitous cliffs and swift current, building bridges over the river was very difficult.
Local people had to use ziplines when they wanted to travel between the two banks. Tied around big trees or manmade constructions, the ziplines are always with one end higher than the other.
Today, as more bridges were built over the Nujiang River, ziplines are gradually abandoned. However, local government transforms them to travel project which is becoming popular with tourists. So crossing torrential Nujiang River via ziplines, do u dare to challenge!

More about Nujiang: According to Zhao Wensheng, Director of Nujiang Prefectural Tourism Development Committee,  "Nujiang has good eco-environment. 75% of its land is covered with forests and every year the coverage increases by 1%. It has world heritage, nature reserves and national parks. And now, the prefecture is building one of the most beautiful sight-seeing roads in the world." Zhao warmly welcomes tourists at home and abroad to beautiful Nujiang. (By Shu Wen)