
In recent years, Bicycle motocross, or #BMX, has become a craze in Yunnan after being brought in by foreign enthusiasts. The mountainous terrain of Yunnan creates ideal natural tracks, which helps attract more people to be involved in more diverse competition.

George, nicknamed ‘Mr. Pony’ by his friends in China, is from Australian. As a top BMX racer, George is also 

the designer of several BMX race tracks in China. 

Before coming to Yunnan, George had been a BMX racer and performer for many years. He always imagined that he would work together with other racers to build such a track. 

Fortunately, when Gorge traveled with his wife to Dali in west Yunnan to spend the winter, he found the province boasted pleasant weather and offered the slower-paced lifestyle he had been pursuing.

 Coincidently, he found an opportunity to implement his idea. One of his friends 

wanted to shutter a sloped motocross track in Dongda Village, Kunming, and George decided to take it over for BMX. 

According to George, the village has all the ideal conditions for building BMX tracks.