Anything is Possible Even in A Dropout Factory

Warren Chu

Luz Elena Gutierrez was going from Fremont High, labeled a dropout factory, to UC Berkeley, one of the best colleges in the US. She did what she needed to so she could ensure her success. She has also become the valedictorian for her school.

Her father continuously reminded her to study hard. Anything is possible, she says. She says her sister taught her to push her way into the toughest classes, to demand the most engaging teachers, to compete for every academic honor; to not to leave her classmates behind. Using these she went through school and succeeded. She says she knew in eighth grade she knew what she wanted: to graduate at the top of her class.

Thanks to her family’s continuing support, her goals to success, and doing good in school, she has done great. She is going to UC Berkeley, one of the best colleges in the US.

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