视频:時尚雲南 - 拾翠:傳統與時尚潮流的集成

视频:時尚雲南 - 拾翠:傳統與時尚潮流的集成


     很難定義拾翠:它可以是一個商店,可以是一個手工制品集市,或是一個展覽空間。 然而,有一件事是絕對的:拾翠將精美的設計與營銷手法結合在一起,拾翠的組織者相信他們會幫助更多的人了解雲南的手工藝品,保護傳統。

Fashion #Yunnan | Shicui, where tradition meets fashion

For those who are interested in #cultural and #creative products, Shicui can't be missed when travelling in Kunming, capital city of southwest China's Yunnan Province.

It is hard to define Shicui: a shop, a bazaar of handmade products or an exhibition space. However, one thing is certain—combining exquisite designs with marketing tactics, Shicui's organizers believe they will help more people know about Yunnan handicrafts and preserve traditions.