Watch the Skies with an endless dream

Watch the Skies with an endless dream

The animation films produced by Qingdao have signed on international A-listers for dubbing

Qingdao animation works seize European and American markets


In recent years, the Chinese native original animation IP is increasingly thriving. As a successful player in the market, Qingdao DeZerlin Media specialized in original IP animation creation and obtained a big order once again. We have recently learned from the 8th Anniversary of DeZerlin Creation Retrospective Exhibition themed with “Being Maverick, Endless Dream” held in the Qingdao Langyi Gallery that they have signed a co-production agreement with British Zycon on 10 animated films and 10 animation series. Watch the Skies, the first animation film of the company, has already signed on international A-listers as voice actors. It is expected that the film will be shown in the second half of this year.


Break barriers and seize European and American markets


In the 8th Anniversary of DeZerlin Creation Retrospective Exhibition themed with “Being Maverick, Endless Dream”, hundreds of pieces of manuscripts were shown to the public for the first time, over a dozen of IP works it created in the past 8 years were covered and the development history of Chinese original IP animation was demonstrated to some extent. To speak of, in 2017, DeZerlin Media signed a co-production agreement on 10 animated films and 10 animation series with the British Zycon Media that is dedicated to building an international recreation brand. The total project budget is nearly 1 billion and a total of 0.6 billion from Zycon Media is obtained. The Chinese local original animation player broke cultural barriers and succeeded in fighting for a market share in the cutthroat European and American animation markets. It marks that Chinese originality in IP content has won the recognition of the mainstream European and American market. In addition, it has the milestone significance for the Chinese animation industry.

According to the insider analysis, currently domestic animations “going overseas” are still mainly young age-targeted and have more power of speech in Africa, Southeast Asia and Middle East. However in the past 8 years since founding, DeZerlin Media has vigorously worked on European and American animation markets characterized by no age limitation and a large variety of animations. The animation co-production is different from Hollywood-dominated production, Chinese participation or the mode of Chinese as investors in the past. This time DeZerlin acts as the content producer and dominant role in production and its original capability is the core driving force in the co-production.


Chinese characteristics forged by a combination of Chinese and western elements


Zhang Lin, the founder of DeZerlin, is a genuine fan of animation. Fascinated by animation, he resorted to entrepreneurship in animation. Regarding the prevalent domestic original animation rush, Zhang Lin admitted: “The film Monkey King: Hero Is Back does stimulate the Chinese animation market but the animation industry cannot prosper all of a sudden because of the unreasonable follow-suit. On the contrary, it needs time and accumulation. Most of all, features are needed in order to seize a share in the market that is absolutely dominated by European and American animations.” The innovative Chinese and western cultural integration is the key to the successful transformation of Zhang Lin from a pure animation enthusiast to the industry leader. “Bilingual creation in Chinese and English from the very beginning of creating animation scripts, mostly our topics on courage, responsibility, growth, friendship, love and honor, Chinese characteristics in the creation and the unique world outlook constructed for a few years are key reasons why DeZerlin works are so favored by mainstream distributors and publishers in European and American markets.” In 2013, Dragon Resurrection, its first comics, was published by Dark Horse Comics, the largest independent comics publishing company in America and the first super hero from China that appeared on the global stage. In the same year, the company took this comic to San Diego Comic-Con for autographed copy sale and won wide responses in the market. In 2013, DeZerlin adapted Treasure Island, the novel of Stevenson, into Hawkins and Silver. This is also the first time that Chinese IP content company adapted the western masterwork. Moreover it has been recorded into Wikipedia. Zhou Jie

(1.Audience were visiting the 8th Anniversary of DeZerlin Creation Retrospective Exhibition. 2. The poster of Watch the Skies.)