Li’l Chubby Meilan’s Pleasant Afternoon

The Panda Valley gets increasingly warmer as spring approaches. The bright sunshine not only nurtures the flower blossoms by the roadside but also fuels the pandas in the Panda Valley, making them more active. Among them, Meilan (also called Lil Chubby) seems to prefer this pleasant weather the most. She has been running about excitedly while her younger brothers are napping in the afternoon sunshine. She either tastes the green twigs in the courtyard, sips water, or bathes her feet by the pool. She also listens closely from time to time to see whether her breeder is passing by, expecting one more piece of apple slice for a treat.

Meilan becomes even more excited when her younger brothers wake up after a good nap. Here comes my devastating punch!Meilan suddenly falls onto Xingguang. I will show you how powerful I am!She and Hefeng roll down into the grove together.

The three rascals running and crawling around the playground not only makes the crowd cheer, but also leaves a bunch of twigs and petals scattered about. However, they do not have to worry about cleaning up, because they know their “”daddies and mommieswill clean up their mess for them a little while later, and provide them with fresh bamboo leaves for an afternoon snack.