How to Make French Chicken Rolls

Authors¡G Go Chengdu

Today we will teach you how to make French chicken rolls.

Features: fresh material, smooth taste

Cooking method: boil, fry, roast

Ingredients: chicken, mushroom, mushy peas, broad beans, sweet niblets, bamboo shoots, milk, butter, onion, salt and self-made sauce

The process:

1. Bone the prepared chicken and marinate it.

2. Roll up the marinated chicken with plastic wrap and store it in a vacuum bag.

3. Cook at low temperature for 30 minutes.

4. Fry it until the skin gets golden, slice the chicken and bake it in the oven.

5. Fry the prepared mushroom and onion, then add some milk and cover it with silver paper to simmer for 3 minutes.

6. Make the mushroom into mushroom sauce.

7. Boil pea sauces with milk.

8. Cut the bamboo shoots into strips.

9. Plate presentation.