Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Carries out Pre-Hospital Care Training Activities

To comprehensively improve the pre-hospital care level of tourism practitioners at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (hereinafter referred to as the Base), so that they can quickly take correct and effective first aid measures in case of emergencies, the Base recently held three rounds of pre-hospital care training for emergency first aid.

A total of 155 staff members from various departments (centers) in the Base participated in the training. While training on basic theory and practical procedures, Mr. Zheng a Section Chief of the Red Cross - and other experts also taught the importance of pre-hospital care, pre-hospital self-care, pre-hospital care operation procedures and specifications, and other on-site specific principles and matters needing attention. Mr. Zheng explained pre-hospital trauma care and four major technical operating procedures to trainees and guided them through practicing pre-hospital diagnosis and treatment measures for some critical diseases. Through a variety of methods, such as professional on-site interpretation, as well as interactions between teaching and learning, combined with practical cases, the trainees learned about first aid procedures and realized that as qualified pre-hospital care staff, they must use limited information to make accurate assessments and give the most effective treatment in a brief period of time.

This training allowed those who participated from the Base to successfully obtain Red Cross lifeguard qualifications. It further strengthened the Base's pre-hospital care team construction, improved first aid level of the Base's pre-hospital emergency team, and its ability to provide pre-hospital emergency services and deal with public health emergencies, laid a solid foundation for efficient development of pre-hospital care work, and comprehensively improved service quality for tourism.