Connections Bulletin 9-22-2019


Worship Service:  We are commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus today with the youth.  After the communion Pastor Ken will resume our study from the Gospel of John and the title of the message is "Engage in Disciple-Making" from John 3:22-35.

Hope for Heaven:  What is heaven really going to be like?  What will we look like?  What will we do?  We will begin to find answer to these questions in E-7 at 11:30 a.m. 

ThrYve Community:  Come fellowship with other young adults and study the book of 1 Corinthian this Friday. Contact Tiffany Lin at for more info.

Family Life Community:  Family Life is currently focused on "Building Community."  We are having fun watching videos, playing games, and spending time to share, pray, and support one another.  Join us at 8 p.m. in E-8.  Contact John Shao at for info.

Women's Community:  We meet on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at Anni's home, 8:30 a.m. Contact Anni for more info: The group is discussing "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.

Sunday Community: Sundays at 1:30 p.m. at the Cheng residence.  Contact Paul at or Jack for info.   We will be using Kay Arthur's book "How to Study the Bible" this fall. 

Light House Community:  Meet at Andrew and Liz's home on Friday night at 7:30 p.m. in Temple City. Contact Andrew at  They are studying "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.





Sunday Service: Pastor Ben will continue the Beatitudes sermon series TODAY. Let's learn together what Jesus calls us to be and do.


Sunday School:  All Sunday school classes will meet in Youth Center at 11:30 p.m. Today. Judy Ho, our FECA supported missionary will share about her ministry among teens for anti-human trafficking in Nepal. Please come and join us. 


Friday Night Fellowship:  Come to No Apologies seminar on Friday, 09.27.19 at 8 p.m. We will learn the truth about Life, Love, and Friendship in Youth Center. Bring your friends to join us! 


SENA:  October SENA edition is available.  Pick up your own copy in Pastor Ben's office after the service.



2020 Elder and Deacon Nomination, Ministry Plan and Budget: Starting from 9/1, please pray and ask God for guidance and blessing upon these needs. May God be glorified!

2020 Elder, Deacon and Pastoral Team ministry and Financial Planning Meeting:  This meeting will be held at the Youth Center at 12:50-1:30 p.m., 9/22 (Sun.). Let us all together pray for God's leading.

2019 FECA Joint Missions Conference: This conference will be held from 10/4-10/6 and hosted by the FECA. The theme: "Understand the God of Missions". Please mark your calendar to reserve time for it (please see the insert for details).

Happiness Groups: Praise God, Cantonese Congregation will host their Happiness Groups from 8/11 to 11/10. Mandarin Congregation and HOA's Happiness Groups will start from 8/25 to 11/30. Please pray for the salvation of many lost souls!

Church Personnel Announcement: We warmly welcome Jennifer Hu (our former full time Administrative Director) and Janet Chang to come on board to serve as part-time Administrative Director of our Church effective 9/17/2019. Please pray and give our full support to them!

Parking Spaces in the Church: Due to limited parking spaces in the south parking lot, only those who have parking permits are allowed to park during the Sunday Service. If you need a parking permit, please contact the church office. Please do not park in the south side of the parking lot without a parking permit.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong Farewell Rally in LA:  "Existence, Emptiness and Eternity", FRI 9/27, 7:30 p.m., SAT 9/28, 7 p.m., SUN 9/29, 4 p.m.  VENUE: First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena (Mandarin sermon with English interpretation). Children program for 5-12 years old.  Please pray and invite friends.

Deacon Board is looking for a group of 6-8 volunteers to assist with administration work from every congregation. Weekday commitment would include basic secretarial tasks and Sunday commitment would include helping with miscellaneous administrative tasks such as facilities usage. If interested, please contact Deacon Board Chair Sarah Chen at (626)327-7738

­First Evangelical Church Association    9/22/2019

A joint and integrative ministry of spirituality, mission and social concern

FECA Theme for 2019: "Building Missional Church-Discipleship and Outreach"



1.      2019 FECA Joint Missions Conference

Date: October 4-6, 2019 (Friday-Sunday)

Theme: Understand the God of Missions

English Speaker: Rev. Dr. Brad Long, Executive Director of Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International (PRMI)

Chinese Speaker: Rev. Dr. John Chang, Director of Chinese PRMI

Please see poster and flyer insert in bulletin for detailed conference information.

2.       Join Vision for 2020

Vision is recruiting for TWO teams to minister with Habibi International in Kurdish Iraq.  The Lord willing, the Early Spring team will be a medical/dental/music team to bring physical and spiritual relief to the Yazidis in the Zahko area.  The early summer team is planning to connect with Habibi's educational team to teach English and bring music to the children and youth both at the IDP camps and at the Seje Safe House.