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Francis Chan¡F½Ķ¡B¼½Á¿¡G¬fÆF «Å«H




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 What do you need to be happy?  

 Because when you live a life of giving, not only is there the eternal reward, but you will be fine now. You'll be taken care of. God's going to take care of your needs.

 That doesn't mean they're going to be rich, but they're going to be fine, because they'll be content no matter what they have. Because Jesus is that huge to them; Jesus is that great to them.

 That's biblical Christianity: you bet it all in this life, and then you start seeing God be faithful when he says, "Whatever you sacrifice, I'll give you a hundred times that, in this life and the life to come."

Follow Christ even when it's difficult, and you'll find that he is enough.

 There are things about Jesus that I as a human being do not like. I do not like some of his teachings. So in the core of my being, I know what he says is true and good. And when he and I disagree, I assume he's right. It's a smart way to go.


