

        I feel that the signs and wonders that I experienced over the past years were of supernatural origin, not of man’s concoction or imaginations. There really is a sovereign God who is taking care of me, things happened not just by coincidence or by chance. He is a true and living God that orchestrated everything and therefore we should devote our whole life to know Him.

        One day I was resting in a couch in my living room, for I was tired from my visitation. All of a sudden God reminded of one thing: Many years ago when I was a new convert, my son, Gabriel, and I were living in a studio where we ate and slept in that same room, and where we shared the bathroom with other tenants.

         God gave me a vision one day and said to me: “Do you remember my promise?” I was wondering what promise did the Lord meant. Then I saw a vision of a Roman soldier wearing a full armor with a helmet and a soldier’s sandals. He was striding in a very dignified and imposing manner up the hill leading to our home. Suddenly he reached out to hold my hand, I called out to Gabriel, and he also grabbed Gabriel’s right hand and together we walked up the hill. Then I asked God what the vision meant?

         The Lord told me that working in His field is absolutely not in vain. What he meant was that even though working for Him is an uphill climb, laborious but infinitely rewarding, the harvest is bountiful. God furthermore said to me: “You and your son are a part of this bountiful harvest, an angel is taking care and watching over both of you, both you and your son shall have peace and be abundantly provided for.

         The soldier represents the Almighty God in full armor, we are walking in His path and He will keep us in perfect peace. Although at that time I was reclining in my couch feeling weary, but when I thought of this vision, my heart was filled with joy and comfort.