Dear Prayer Warriors in Christ,
We need your prayer supports! Swine Flu (H1N1) is breaking out at Grace and Timothy's school along with a stomach flu and a cold flu. A lot of students and faculty members are sick now. On January 26, the school quarantined 67 boarding students at the health center, and the other 13 non-boarding students who were sick went back to stay with their parents who live nearby. In the next few days, the sickness will reach its peak. We have about 500 students in total, and 80 are being quarantined now. Thus, two staff moved out from their houses to make their places available for the quarantine. We are thankful for their sacrifice to meet the students' needs.
At the same time, the school nurses (about five of them) are busy with taking care of the quarantined students. Some of the staff stepped in to help the nurses to help the patients. They make beds, deliver food and drinks, and do other chores so that the nurses can concentrate on giving health care to the patients. The medical staff is in their physical extreme now. They need your prayer support. Moreover, the school teachers need to wear different shoes. In addition to teaching, they have to play different roles and take up the responsibilities for the teachers who are sick. Please also pray for them.
The thieves always know when it is the best time to steal. In the midst of a tough time like this, they broke into three dorms and stole the students' money. They didn't even care about the contagious disease, but lusted after their desires. May God protect the whole school!
As for our family, Timothy was sick a week ago, but is well now and back to school again. Grace is having a fever and has been quarantined at home for two days. Antonia is also recovering from the flu. Please pray for a quick and full recovery for Grace and Antonia.
Praises and Prayers:
1. We thank God for our fellow missionaries' dedication to serve our children as teachers, nurses, and staff so that we can do our ministry.
2. Please pray for the quick recovery for all the sick students, faculty, and staff members at our kids' school.
3. Please pray for God's protection to keep Satan's attacks away from the campus.
4. Please pray for our Bible college students' health so that they won't get infected by the Swine Flu.
5. Please pray for Grace's and Antonia's speedy and full recovery.
Thanks & God bless!
P.S. In last year (2009), we had published three articles in a Christian magazine called EFC Journal (
And you can subscribe their e-magazine for free.
In these three articles, we had shared about the experience of living in a different culture; and the links are:
We pray that you will enjoy & be blessed by the reading!
Serving Together in Christ,
James & Antonia Hwang
Matthew 6:10, Thy Kingdom Come! Thy Will Be Done!