Living Out the Power of Christ活出有基督的力量


Living Out the Power of Christ活出有基督的力量

Worldwide Outreach Teaching School

By Dr. Meiman Lai Saidi 賴校長 美滿


Scripture Reading Philippians 4:4-19

  1. Rejoice in the Lord always. I   will say it again: Rejoice!
  2. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
  3. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
  4. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
  5. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
  6. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
  7. I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.
  8. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
  9. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
  10. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
  11. Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.
  12. Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only;
  13. For even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need.
  14. Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.
  15. I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
  16. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.


讀經文: 腓立比書4:4-19

4. 你們要靠主常常喜樂.我再說、你們要喜樂                                   5. 當叫眾人知道你們謙讓的心。主已經近了。                                                        6. 應當一無罣慮、只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求、和感謝將你們所要的告訴 神。

7. 神所賜出人意外的平安、必在基督耶穌裡、保守你們的心懷意念。

8. 弟兄們、我還有未盡的話.凡是真實的、可敬的、公義的、清潔的、可愛的、有美名的.若有甚麼德行、若有甚麼稱讚、這些事你們都要思念.                                          9. 你們在我身上所學習的、所領受的、所聽見的、所看見的、這些事你們都要去行.賜平安的 神、就必與你們同在10.  我靠主大大的喜樂、因為你們思念我的心、如今又發生.你們向來就思念我、只是沒得機會。                                               11. 我並不是因缺乏說這話、我無論在甚麼景況、都可以知足、這是我已經學會了

12. 我知道怎樣處卑賤、也知道怎樣處豐富、或飽足、或飢餓或有餘、或缺乏、隨事隨在、我都得了秘訣.                                                            13. 我靠著那加給我力量的、凡事都能作14. 然而你們和我同受患難、原是美事。                                                      15. 腓立比人阿、你們也知道我初傳福音、離了馬其頓的時候、論到授受的事、除了你們以外、並沒有別的教會供給我.

16. 就是我在帖撒羅尼迦、你們也一次兩次的、打發人供給我的需用

17. 我並不求甚麼餽送所求的就是你們的果子漸漸增多、多歸在你們的賬上

18. 但我樣樣都有、並且有餘.我已經充足、因我從以巴弗提受了你們的餽送、當作極美的香氣、為 神所收納所喜悅的祭物。

19. 我的 神必照他榮耀的豐富、在基督耶穌裡、使你們一切所需用的都充足










We all were descendent of Adamso we have anxieties. A bitter faced old lady who lives in the city of Peitow, Taiwan,  always worried about her 1st  son’s business who is selling umbrella, with no rain in horizon.  She is also worried about 2nd son who is selling clothes and the merchandize might be eaten by insects!  So we called her “coolant Paul苦臉婆meant: bitter faced lady”when I told her that more people using umbrella as a shield to sunshine and clothes to make additional costume dresses’ then she became a “Shoulane Paul笑臉婆meant: always show smiling face.

Paul said I can do everything through Him who gives me strength(Philippians 4:13)  Paul is extremely joyful he said, “We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance character; and having hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

  1.  Prayer strengthen us, God took away your anxious when you put in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, it changed your feeling and thought, let you pray, giving you peace instead of worry, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
  2. Trust GOD strengthen us, not depending your wisdom, circumstances, or money power but God strengthen you, that enough fulfill your goal. You will have worry if you want to be a head person. Everything relies on Him.

Philippians 4:19, my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

  1. Sharing strengthen us, God using us from  sharing financial help along with action fulfill something in order for Changing our life to glorify HimSharing brings Changed (Acts 20:35) - 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.Sharing to Glorify God & Experiences the abundant of GodAll we have are not belonging to us; God is giving us to utilize it in such away to be helpful to others.


  1. POINT: Paul can live out his life as Jesus so he can do everything through Christ who gives Paul strength.


  1. Discussion: 1). Can you find out what he said about, “I can do everything”. 2). what is the benefit of put everything in prayer? Please share your emperies about the power of prayer. 3). Share about your received or helping others that influences your life!



保羅說 靠著那加給我力量的、凡事都能作(腓立比4:13) 保羅是有無可救藥的喜樂。他說,雖是憂愁、卻是常常快樂,雖是貧窮、卻是叫許多人富足;就是在患難中,也要歡歡喜喜〞(羅馬書5:3)



1. 禱告有力量,藉禱告神拿去您的憂慮,用祂的平安代替,又藉著禱告、祈求與感謝,改變您的感覺和想法,使您在凡事上都有力量 (禱告、祈求、感謝) 必有平安。

2.   信靠有力量:不是依靠自己 的才能,不是依靠環境,不是依靠財貨,而是信靠給人力量的主,就足夠、就能成事。如果想作頭就多煩惱故事依靠祂。

腓利比書 4:19, “我的 神必照他榮耀的豐富、在基督耶穌裡、使你們一切所需用的都充足

3.     分享有力量:神使用人彼此行動上的幫助與財物上的分享,成就事情改變生命,彰顯祂的榮耀。分享帶來改變 (20:35)- 施比受更為有福分享榮耀主、分享經歷主的豐盛。吾人的所有不是屬於我們的,只給我們處理


4.     結論保羅能活出基督,凡事都能做的秘訣在於他凡事禱告凡事信靠凡事與人分享  當作一種習慣,保羅所做的我們也要做。

5.     討論問題 

   1). 腓立比書的最後一段當中您能找出保羅 凡事都能做的秘訣嗎?

    2). 凡事禱告有甚麼好處?分享您禱告得力的經歷!

    3). 請分享您接受或幫助人對您生命的影響!





喜 樂 的 心

Arranged from Educational Ethics 16:1-2 (Pr.17:22, 15: 30)







A Cheerful Heart

Arranged from Educational Ethics 16:1-2 (Pr.17:22, 15:30)

A cheerful heart is good medicine,

but a crushed spirit

dries up the bones. (2x)

A smiling face

brings joy to the heart,

and good news

gives health to the bones. (2x)

A cheerful heart is good medicine,

but a crushed spirit

dries up the bones.

E.1 - 華 、英