The Parables of the Weeds, Seed, and Yeast (4)

Pr.Keith Parmelee
[Worldwide Outreach Teaching School]

„« God allows both to exist in order that the ungodly will choose to repent.

Another way to put this is that God wants the weeds to become wheat.

I know that you literal gardeners will say that this is impossible, but as also Jesus said, ¡§With God, nothing is impossible.¡¨

God desires for every person is that he or she will recognize the evil they have done, confess it, repent of it, believe that Jesus took on the penalty that they deserved and that they have now become a new creation. This is true for everyone.

Paul gratefully declares:
16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:16 (NIV)

3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3, 4 (NIV)

Peter points out that:
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

15 Bear in mind that our Lord¡¦s patience means salvation. 2 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

It is God¡¦s desire that none should perish, that all should have eternal life and He is willing to wait for us to make that choice.

But He is not going to wait forever. There is a time when all of this will come to an end and judgment will come.

Trans: The second point Jesus wants us to understand with these parables is that ¡K
II. The Kingdom of God is bigger than I can imagine.
In fact the true point that Jesus wants them and us to understand is that there is no limit to this Kingdom.

For the disciples, and for us, this parable meant that size or relative power does not indicate final results.
God¡¦s Kingdom would grow steadily in people¡¦s hearts, making a difference in people¡¦s lives and preparing them for life to come in God¡¦s eternal Kingdom.

In the Bible, God¡¦s Kingdom always refers to His dynamic reign or rule, not to a literal realm. We try to imagine a certain area with boundaries or fences.

We also limit God¡¦s Kingdom to the work of the church.

But it is so much more.

The Kingdom is bigger than the church, but it includes true Christians as its subjects.

God¡¦s vision of building His church is always but one part of the much larger cosmic* task of advancing His Kingdom
God¡¦s Kingdom speaks of His righteous reign in the entire universe.

Trans: But as Jesus speaks about the mustard seed and the yeast he is explaining that ¡K
„« God¡¦s Kingdom had a small beginning but will have an infinitely* large span.