3/22/20耶穌是謙恭的僕人The Humble Servant


Unit 1: 耶穌是. . . Jesus Is . . .

4Session 4, 謙恭的僕人The Humble Servant

經文Scriptures:約翰John 13:1-17,   3/22/2020

Worldwide Outreach Teaching School 賴美滿 校長




前言PREFACE: 耶穌具體的表現祂謙恭僕人的特性,祂是順從神之子,與彌賽亞的王(救主) 。我們要探究何謂效法耶穌的忠樸。祂為門徒洗腳反倒虛己、取了奴僕的形像 (腓立比書 2)                                                                                                                                         Jesus embodied the characteristics of the Suffering Servant, the humble Son, and the Messianic King. We are to explore what it means to follow Jesus’ example of servanthood. The account of Him washing the disciples’ feet illustrate His identity in these respects (Philippians 2:3-7).


上週Last Week:看到偉大的耶穌老師,祂的基本原理我們是必聽、學、與跟隨祂. We saw that Jesus, the Great Teacher, is the ultimate voice we must listen to, learn from, and follow.

這週This Week將看到耶穌如何是最謙恭僕人的好模範。                                                                              We will see how Jesus is the ultimate example of servanthood.


1. 洗腳的情況: 約翰 13:1-5                        1. The Context of the Foot Washing: John 13:1-5                                            


1.     逾越節以前、耶穌知道自己離世歸父的時候到了.他既然愛世間屬自己的人、就愛他們到底。

2.     喫晚飯的時候(魔鬼已將賣耶穌的意思、放在西門的兒子加略人猶大心裡)

3.     耶穌知道父已將萬有交在他手裡、且知道自己是從 神出來的、又要歸到 神那裡去、

4.     就離席站起來脫了衣服、拿一條手巾束腰。

5.     隨後把水倒在盆裡、就洗門徒的腳、並用自己所束的手巾擦乾。



解經: 約翰 13:1-5,  約翰福音告訴我們事情的發生在 逾越節以前, 約翰把洗 腳與耶穌之將要離世和舊約出埃及之十瘟疫使法老王讓以色列百姓得自由的出埃及並沒有用軍力,因為有神的牽涉。寧願,謙恭的順從,作神的樸人,打開得自由。

第一節之鑰句,1, 他既然愛世間屬自己的人、就愛他們到底。  洗門徒的腳被人誤為是件丟臉的事情,有些 學者建議洗門徒的腳,象徵著過幾日後耶穌將被拖衣釘在十字架上之羞恥。祂如何能謙卑自己成這種方式呢?是愛,愛使祂洗門徒們的腳。愛引祂為我們死在十字架上。

1. It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.                    2. The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.                                                                                                                                                 

Commentary: John13:1-5, Johns gospel telling us the event took place just before the Passover festival, John connects the foot washing and the approaching death of Jesus with the Old Testament account of the Exodus from Egypt and the pivotal, tenth plague that convinced the Pharaoh to let Israel go free. Deliverancewhether from sin or from an evil empiredoes not depend on power and military might when God is involved. Rather, humble obedience in service to God opens the way to freedom.

The key to the foot washing done by Jesus comes in the words of verse 1, Having loved his own . . . he loved them to the end.  Washing the disciples feet would have been regarded as humiliating. Some scholars suggest that stripping himself to wash the disciples feet symbolized the shame Jesus would bear on the cross just days later. How was He able to humble himself in this way? Love. Love led Him to wash the disciples feet. Love led Him to the cross to die for us.





2. 腳被洗之意見: 約翰 13:6-11:

 2. The Conflict in Having One’s Feet Washed: John 13:6-11:






  1. 挨到西門彼得、彼得對他說、主阿、你洗我的腳麼。
  2. 耶穌回答說、我所作的、你如今不知道、後來必明白。
  3. 彼得說、你永不可洗我的腳。耶穌說、我若不洗你、你就與我無分了。
  4. 西門彼得說、主阿、不但我的腳、連手和頭也要洗。
  5. 耶穌說、凡洗過澡的人、只要把腳一洗、全身就乾淨了.你們是乾淨的、然而不都是乾淨的。
  6. 耶穌原知道要賣他的是誰、所以說、你們不都是乾淨的。

解經: 約翰 13:6-11, (參聖經靈修版第287) 假如  您是彼得,看見耶穌像奴僕一樣替他人洗腳,並且正要走近您身旁,您會感到難於接受嗎?彼得仍然未明白耶穌的教導 : 作領袖必需成為僕人。應用這段經文,服事比自己低下的人並不容易,您如何對待比您低微的人 - 如小孩或下屬呢?

6  He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" 7 Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." 8 "No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." 9 "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!" 10 Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.                                 

Commentary: John 13:6-11, (Insert from the commentary of NIV, P.2261) Imagine being Peter and watching Jesus wash the others feet, all the while moving closer to you. Seeing his Master behave like a slave must have confused Peter. He still did not understand Jesus teaching that to be a leader, a person must be a servant. This is not a comfortable passage for leaders who find it hard to serve those beneath them. How do you treat those who work under you (whether children, employees, or volunteers)?                                                      




約翰 13:12-17

12 耶穌洗完了他們的腳、就穿上衣服、又坐下、對他們說、我向你們所作的、你們明白麼。13 你們稱呼我夫子、稱呼我主、你們說的不錯.我本來是。14 我是你們的主、你們的夫子、尚且洗你們的腳、你們也當彼此洗腳。15 我給你們作了榜樣、叫你們照著我向你們所作的去作。16 我實實在在的告訴你們、僕人不能大於主人、差人也不能大於差他的人。17 你們既知道這事、若是去行就有福了。


3 解經: John 13:12-17








1) 洗腳的情況: 約翰 13:1-5作樸人要以愛的行動,要學習耶穌做一位謙恭的僕人。                       

2) 腳被洗之意見: 約翰 13:6-11如您曾有接受過謙恭的僕人待您,請分享從那次經驗您學到些什麼?

3) 耶穌替他人洗腳之目的: 約翰 13:12-17耶穌不只說且也作,祂所作的都是在示範愛與仁慈。


3 Jesus’ Conclusion to the Foot Washing: John 13:12-17, 12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13 "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.


3 Commentary: John 13:12-17

Jesus did not wash his disciples’ feet just to get them to be nice to each other. His far greater goal was to extend his mission on earth after he was gone. These men were to move into serving all people to whom they took the message of salvation.



4 Conclusion:

1)      The Context of the Foot Washing: John 13:1-5 Servanthood is not about drawing attention to yourself, but love in action. Jesus took the role of the humble servant, leading by example. 

2)      The Conflict in Having One’s Feet Washed: John 13:6-11 Share about a time when you received humble service from someone else. What did you learn from that experience?

3)      Jesus’ Conclusion to the Foot Washing: John 13:12-17               Jesus didn’t just tell them what to do, but He demonstrated love and humility in this act and in all He did.                                  





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(Excerpts from the Faith Connection and Bible.)


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