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Sojourners客旅人生-吉爾吉斯坦宣教士 韓偉炫(1)
Sojourners客旅人生-吉爾吉斯坦宣教士 韓偉炫(1)
吉爾吉斯坦宣教士 韓偉炫
Willis in action at the English Camp in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan – west of Xinjiang, China!
EXTRA! EXTRA! 號外!號外!
1. We have been accepted by our new sending agency, InterServe!我們新的差會己經接受了我們!
2. Our Commissioning Service will be held on January 8th, 2005, 2:00 p.m., at First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel Valley, 我們的差派典禮將於2005年 一月八日下午二時正假於聖迦谷羅省基督教會
3658 N. Walnut Grove Ave., Rosemead
3. Our tentative departure date is January 9th, 2005 我們預定一月九日起程!
4. Yes, our newsletter is finally in Chinese!
Holiday Greetings from the Hans!
Hope that all is well with you and your family! Since we sent out our last newsletter we have met and heard from many of you. It was great catching up with you, and we hope to do more of that before we launch out! January is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to be in our new home for the next 4~5 years, Kyrgyzstan. However, the increasingly cold weather in LA is a constant reminder that we will arrive at our destination right in the middle of winter!
2004 Kyrgyzstan Short-term Mission Trip
In August/September, Willis led a small team back to Kyrgyzstan to host an English Summer Camp. The logistic and spiritual challenge was tremendous. Thank you for your prayers!!! The team really felt people praying for us. We experienced God’s grace in many ways – travel grace, health, bonding with students… we even had a “near-miss” with the police in a worship service for Muslim-background believers. Our team members described the trip as an “unforgetable,” “whirl-wind” experience. Beautiful friendships were initiated. Many lives were touched. We truly experienced God-at-work!