Joke Is On The Pope

Warren Chu

Italian comedian Maurizio Crozza spoofed Pope Benedict XVI in a giddy manner. These skits have angered the Vatican who are not amused. One says that this is similar to the cartoon depicting Muhammad.


Many say that these skits are very inappropriate and should be quote “yanked from the airwaves.” Italian bishops and politicians alike have called the skits vulgar. The skits, which portray the pope as a giddy fashionista anger Msgr. Georg Gaenswein, Pope Benedict’s personal secretary. Perhaps the reason that Gaenswein is so angry is because of the jokes he has had to endure. Another famous comedian, Fiorello, does a series of radio show gags. In them, Fiorello depicts Gaenswein as a hip, fin-loving, fast-car-driving man.


A wave of controversy has hit. But, it seems the comedians are not afraid. “I don’t think I’ll go to hell for this,” Fiorello said.

《2006年11月18 - 25日網上崇拜》
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