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Faith Enters Harvard

Warren Chu

A Harvard Curriculum Committee proposed an answer to the question of what a proper educated college graduate should know. According to the committee a graduate should know the role of religion in all subjects. That’s why they suggested making a mandatory course on religion.

Harvard said, “Today’s students must understand religious beliefs and institutions if they are to meet the challenges.” A recent survey by UCLA found that 79% of college students believe in God. 69% pray to Him for support and guidance. This appeals to the Christian community because they hope that if this proposal does pass that colleges will mimic Harvard.

Christians hope that this does pass, so that more students will convert to the light of the Lord. After all, Harvard is Harvard, the college that all other colleges look up to. 


阿通一家: 呆在旅館
有時,孤寂會 …
《2006年11月4 - 10日網上崇拜》